Today is about freedom... "Laughter is sunshine, it chases winter from the human face." - Victor Hugo Laughter has the powerful ability to free us from our worries. To transport us, from despair to delight, instantly.
Laughter releases tension. It allows us an opportunity to see a situation from a different point view. And, a choice of how we can respond. Happy Independence day, Superhero! Wishing you a day of sunshiny ecstasy! Fly on, Superhero. Fly on! Photo: Coutesy of SweetFrau.
Today is about choice... "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me..." - Jill Jackson and Sy Miller This video "Safety Match," created by artists Juan Delcan and Valentina Izaguirre, was meant to illustrate the benefits of social distancing. But, it speaks to all matters of choice. It allows us to witness the consequences of one conscious choice made by one individual. Wishing you a day of free-wheeling clarity! Fly on, Superhero. Fly on! |
Superhero Unfolding Archives
March 2021