Photo by Diana Olfert on Unsplash.
I found this quote by Herman Hesse this morning, tucked into an essay by the wonderful Maria Popova of Brain Pickings. I read it aloud and thought ... yes, that's its then. That's it.
These words of Herman Hesse so accurately describe the heart-felt sentiment, the inspirational objective, underlying the Superhero Unfolding project. It is amazing that I had not found this quote, these words, before in all my research for the project. Perhaps, I just needed to discover their power, truth and beauty today. When my heart was ready to receive their message. I believe in the inevitability of enlightenment for all beings over time. And, that finding the superhero unfolding inside of us, the god within, IS the adventure of our lives. So, godspeed to you, Superhero Unfolding, may your path be filled with peace, love and courage. I wish you a day of spectacular encounters with greatness. Fly on, Superhero. Fly on!
Super Sunday to you, Superhero! Today is about discovery.
The dharma, the truth, is often hidden in plain sight for us to discover. Appearing between pauses in conversations, or contained in poetic works or lyrics. The lyrics of this song, written by Peter Gabriel David Rhodes, perfectly describe to me that which keeps me separate, divided within myself and disconnected from others.
This morning, I remembered how almost 6 years ago, I wrote these lines, "What I carry in my heart, Brings us so close or so far apart, Only love can make love," on a scrap of paper, which I pinned to the wall of a cafe, alongside other notes left by pilgrims on their Way to Santiago.
Today, I return to these words seeing their truth, in an absolute sense and through the relative experiences of my life. And, how I would do well to remember them during times of confusion and disillusionment. Wishing you a day of dazzle and shine. Fly on, Superhero. Fly on! Today I am sharing something good... "Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging" -Joseph Campbell I watched an inspirational film last night about Joseph Campbell and the Hero's Journey, titled "Finding Joe."The film is from 2011, so many of you may have already seen it. It is definitely worth watching again, especially during this tumultuous time.
Wishing you a day of enthusiastic surrender to what is. Fly on, Superhero. Fly on! Today is about venturing forth "A ship is always safe at shore. But that is not what it is built for.” – Albert Einstein Venturing into uncharted waters, can be frightening at times. There is a comfort in the known, a sense of solidity. But, while being anchored may provide us with a sense of safety, it also limits our ability to explore something new.
The fear of the unknown is largely imagined. As is, the illusion of safety. There is no true way to know what lies ahead for us. But, we needn't be afraid. Life is a journey of discovery. Which starts every time we decide to leave the comfort of the familiar to embrace something new. Its what we were built for. Wishing you a day filled with abundant joy! Fly on, Superhero. Fly on! Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history. - Mahatma Gandhi This quote reveals the power of intention when focused on a common goal. It can be considered as both a source for inspiration, and a warning against single-minded pursuits.
It is important to check in with our intentions before committing ourselves completely to a cause. To discern, the underlying attraction it holds for us. And, question whether we are acting out of fear and intolerance, or from a sense of empathy and support. Wishing you a day full of endless beauty. Fly on, Superhero. Fly on! Photo by Boba Jaglicic on Unsplash Today is about sharing something good. "Kindness eases Change." - Octavia E. Butler A few years ago a friend sent me a link to a blog called Brain Pickings created by the wonderful and talented author and poet Maria Popova. This quote comes from an article on the site. Brain Pickings is an amazing resource for self evolution and uplifting the human spirit. An a must read for reader's, writers and those with a heartfelt interest in what makes us human.…/octavia-butler-parable-lea…/ Wishing you a day of unfettered mirth. Fly on, Superhero. Fly on. "Resilience is life bursting at the seams to express itself within the ever-changing parameters of what is. It is the causal agent of all change, all life." - SF Resilience is dynamic, inventive and unapologetic. It is the effortless surrender to what is, and the willingness to work with our experience. There is a regenerative quality to resilience, an effervescent bubbling up of life energy. Within it, resilience holds elements of courage and kindness, tenderness and vulnerability. It is supportive and life-affirming, strong but not aggressive. Resilience is a ferociously gentle giant who lifts us out of victimhood into the space of valor. Providing us with an opportunity to view our situation from an empowered perspective. Wishing you a day of empowered enlightenment! Fly on, Superhero. Fly on. Today is about living as you... “I often warn people, somewhere along the way, someone is going to tell you, ' There is no 'i' in team.' What you should tell them is, 'Maybe not—but there is an 'i' in independence, individuality, and integrity.'” ― George Carlin Independent thought is not encouraged in our culture, unless it translates directly to material gain. Those who think differently often find themselves marginalized, their ideas largely ignored or discredited. Making them, easy and convenient targets for discrimination and violence. Individuality is weakened through memes, fears and social pressures. Feeling threatened by stressful and uncertain events, the public often adopts a herd mentality. Extolling the virtues of political dogma breeds conformity. Making angry and fearful individuals feel safer, insulated in like-minded groups. Integrity is undeniably the most endangered trait of our species. Undermined by messages from our culture, it is easy to push aside our integrity for personal gain; or to look the other way to avoid upsetting the status quo; or to support deplorable actions by embracing the idea that the ends justify the horrendous means. Attempting to live life with integrity as an independent individual in western culture is a superhuman task. It requires discipline and grace. Both of which, come in your original packaging, and can be expanded with use. Wishing you a day of superb splendor! Fly on, Superhero. Fly on! Photo courtesy of “All great and precious things are lonely.” ― John Steinbeck, East of Eden We all face loneliness at some point in our lives. Loneliness is to some extent, a natural and normal condition of life. Since, we live as separate beings in a vast and interconnected universe.
There are many ways we may experience loneliness, yet relatively few causes for it. Most forms of loneliness are a result of feeling misunderstood, unappreciated, alienated and unheard. These feeling can spark a cycle of negative mind chatter, leading us to perceive ourselves as insufficient, broken and unsupported by life. Loneliness can lead to more loneliness. Especially, if we choose to believe that our loneliness is justified by an inherent personal defect; or, if it is perceived as a rejection, of us, by the world around us. There is only one sure cure for loneliness. It is to know that you are never alone. Never. You don't need to fit in with any particular "community" or "tribe". You are already living in community with EVERYTHING. A first step out of loneliness is to appreciate yourself as you are... a unique, and sometimes quirky individual. The second step is to muster up the courage to follow your own heart... to truly become who you are becoming. The third step is to realize that no matter what you choose to do, you are essential to the world. Wishing you a day of high-stepping chaotic merriment. Fly on, Superhero. Fly on. Photo by Musab Al Rawahi on Unsplash “Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” – Louise Hay Indeed it does.
Louise Hay was an American motivational author and healer. A fascinating caring individual who believed in the transformative power of thought. Her best selling book, "You Can Heal Your Life," is a must read for anyone struggling with health issues. Loving ourselves is the key to happiness. It can help us overcome obstacles large and small, by realizing that our self worth is not tied to the outcome of any particular situation, opinion or judgement. We are perfect as we are right now, whether we choose to believe this or not. We are always the best version of ourselves possible, in our present conditions and at our present level of consciousnesses. That is the nature of life. Knowing this, it becomes more difficult to find fault with oneself. It also becomes much easier to accept and love ourselves completely, as is, right now. Which, is the jumping off point to the miraculous. Wishing you a day of sweet surrender to the moment. Fly on, Superhero. Fly on! Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash |
Superhero Unfolding Archives
March 2021